The SAP505WorldChampionship2018 is over. But the excitement possibly not yet. And then, there's Australia to look forward to. Last Friday, during the Closing Ceremony Lutz Stengel and Holger Jess hav...

The SAP505WorldChampionship2018 Races have started on Sunday with two races, followed by two days with no luck wind-wise to continue with great days on water with three races a day

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have begun! The first two days are for the measurements, then the Pre-Worlds.

We would like to introduce D.A.D Sportswear our clothing partner of the SAP 505 World Championship 2018.

World Championships of the 505 class that are to be held in Poland for the very first time are supported by SAP, the company that became the main sponsor of this event. The regatta will take place in ...

For those who want to know what to expect weatherwise… Well, get ready for almost anything. Chances are the #505worlds2018 will give you a taste of variety as far as wind and waves are concerned. Bu...

It’s only a hundred days to go till the most important regatta for the 505 competitors in the season of 2018! On the 18th, July exactly, the waters of the Bay of Gdańsk will welcome the best sailor...

Thanks to our partner Gdynia Maritime University the containers will be stored in a perfectly located spot. The containers will be kept at Faculty of Navigation area in the eastern part of the marina....

The 505 World Championships in Gdynia will hold a separate classification for the classic yachts. These are to be the 505 boat that do not possess the advanced technical solutions, so characteristic o...

Over 20 crews representing 10 countries have already appeared on the starting list of the 505 World Championships in Gdynia. The event takes place on 18th till 27th, July. The organizers expect over 1...

The Notice of Race for the 5O5 World Championships 2018 taking place in Gdynia, Poland, from 18th to 27th July 2018 has been posted.

The award-winning, internationally recognised Polish sailor invites the competitors from all over the world to join him for the regattas that for the first time in their history are going to be held i...

Agnieszka Skrzypulec and Holger Jess won the 505 Open Championships 2017. Mateusz Jura and Bartek Chroł were best from the Polish teams. The event took place within Volvo Gdynia Sailing Days. In tota...

The 2017 505 Open Polish Nationals will took place in Gdynia during Gdynia Sailing Days event. The dates are 21-23 July 2017. It will be great chance to sail on the same waters as 2018 World Champions...

POL-9170 crew Karol Milewski and Bartosz Milewski won the 505 Polish Championships 2016. The most important regatta in Polish 505 calendar took place in Krynica Morska - a small town located on the no...